With lockdown still a concern for the keep fitting individuals and those who want to start, the uptake on home training gear has been massive across the board.

We devised a small kit for our clients to use in the safety and comfort of their own homes that would allow them a functional and challenging workout without taking up too much space or breaking the bank when it comes to budget.

One of the items we put in the kit was a Kettlebell. If you’ve never used a kettlebell in your workouts we strongly advise you give it a try. There are lots of benefits with the use of kettlebells that you wouldn’t necessarily get using other items whilst conducting the same exercise.

This is down to the exercises you can do with a kettlebell and their versatility really is quite refreshing.

Kettlebell workouts can be good for working on breathing, balance, coordination, stability, conditioning your muscles and aerobic ability. They help improve grip strength, overall mobility and ranges of motion in some key areas of struggle. The weights are completely free of any support so anywhere you require the kettlebell to go, you have to coordinate the timing, the movement and the force to allow a good and safe repetition.

When all is said and done, the unfortunate thing is that the moves can be quite technical and some people may not be doing even the basics right.

This short video will help you assess your own swing technique and help you correct the things you feel the need to address.

Please check out the short technique video and if you have any questions please get in touch.