News just in!
You know we love this type of stuff at Body Planners. If you have interest in anything performance related these days, or anything where gaining [...]
You know we love this type of stuff at Body Planners. If you have interest in anything performance related these days, or anything where gaining [...]
Here’s how one of our new BP@home clients lost 5 kg in just 4 weeks. She stopped obsessing over the scales Scales are a [...]
Adele pretty much broke the internet when she shared a photo on her 32nd birthday this year — the first photo she'd posted on Instagram in [...]
When it comes to Pilates, most women either are die-hard enthusiasts or have never stepped foot in a Pilates studio. Here are 7 reasons you [...]
One thing is for sure we will all go through it at some point, middle age that is. Maybe your hair is getting a little [...]
As a woman your muscles keep you strong, able and independent, but around the age of 30 women start to lose muscle density. Lean muscle [...]
As a woman, you have a higher risk of breaking a bone and stress fractures than men, especially as you age. 50% of all women [...]
As a woman you generate most of your strength and stability from your hips. Women tend to have strong legs but tend to have relatively [...]
This day and age with the onslaught of fads creeping into the industry the concept of training with Bodyweight Exercises gets well and truly overlooked. [...]
Heavy weight fat loss. You’re probably hearing of and seeing more and more ladies ditching the monotonous cardio machines big commercial gyms and studio style [...]